r - Matching IDs in two datasets -
i have 2 sets of data, comprising pre , post data. respondents have unique ids, , want create subset includes responded both surveys. example dataset:
pre.data <- data.frame(id = c(1:10), y = sample(c("yes", "no"), 10, replace = true), survey = 1) post.data <- data.frame(id = c(1:3,6:10), y = sample(c("yes", "no"), 8, replace = true), survey = 2) all.data <- rbind(pre.data, post.data)
i have following function:
match <- function(dat1, dat2, dat3){ #dat1 whole dataset(both stitched together) #dat2 pre dataset #dat3 post dataset selectedrows <- (dat1$id %in% dat2$id & dat1$id %in% dat3$id) matchdata <- dat1[selectedrows,] return(matchdata) } prepost.match.data <- match(all.data, pre.data, post.data)
i think there must better way function of doing same thing, cannot think how. how have done seems bit messy. mean, works - want to, can't thinking there's better way.
my apologies if has been asked in similar way unable find - in case please point me towards relevant answer.
note : arun posted same answer in comment bit earlier me.
you can use intersect
all.data[all.data$id %in% intersect(pre.data$id, post.data$id),]
which gives :
id y survey 1 1 yes 1 2 2 no 1 3 3 no 1 6 6 yes 1 7 7 yes 1 8 8 yes 1 9 9 no 1 10 10 yes 1 11 1 no 2 12 2 yes 2 13 3 no 2 14 6 no 2 15 7 yes 2 16 8 yes 2 17 9 no 2 18 10 yes 2
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