php - align mysql_array buttons on webpage -
have website my_sql_array brings buttons on webpage 5 buttons 1 underneath each other want buttons placed in webpage in says 'play'for fun' cannot seem achieve this.
<section id="content"> <div class="container_12"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="grid_12"> <div class="content-inner"> <div class="wrapper indent-bot4"> <div class="alpha grid_12 omega"> <h3 class="left-pad2 bot-indent2">top online rooms</h3> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="alpha grid_6 indent-sw3"> <div class="left-pad2"> <? $resultu=mysql_query("select * jsgamingcenter_games cat_1='1' , status='1' order placement", $casdb); while($detail=mysql_fetch_array($resultu)) { ?> <? if(!isset($l)){ echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"jump('launch_game.php? game=$detail[0]&width=$detail[width]&height=$detail[height] &mode=fun','$detail[width]','$detail[height]');\"> <img height=15 width=75 src=\"templates/gameaccount/default/images/stdbuttonf.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"; } ?> </div> <? } ?> </div></div> </div> <div class="wrapper p5"> <figure class="img-style"> <a class="lightbox-image width" href="images/image-blank.png" data-gal="prettyphoto[prettyphoto]"> <img class="width-2" src="images/page2-img5.jpg" alt=""></a></figure> <div class="extra-wrap"> <div class="p2"> <a class="link" href="#">william hill poker</a> </div> <p class="p3 indent-sw1">play games free.</p> <a class="color-4 text-1 indent-r" href="#">play fun</a> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper"> <figure class="img-style"> <a class="lightbox-image width" href="images/image-blank.png" data-gal="prettyphoto[prettyphoto]"> <img class="width-2" src="images/page2-img6.jpg" alt=""></a></figure> <div class="extra-wrap"> <div class="p2"> <a class="link" href="#">titan poker</a> </div> <p class="p3 indent-sw1">play game free.</p> <a class="color-4 text-1 indent-r" href="#">play fun</a> </div>** </div> </div>
i play guessing game, here goes.
you want align buttons - here couple of solutions (given each button has class name btn
.btn{ display: inline-block; }
solution 2:
.btn{ float: left; }
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