string - What is the recommended way to flatten a std::vector<CString> to a multi_sz using C++ / STL -
i want write list of strings (atl::cstring) stored in std::vector reg_multi_sz value in windows registry. know how in plain c (iterate once total length, allocate buffer, copy strings buffer separated "\0").
know tried following using stl (sorry have use vs2010 "for each"):
std::vector<tchar> multiline_sz; each ( cstring entry in mystringlist ) { tchar* buf = entry.getbuffer(); multiline_sz.insert(multiline_sz.end(), &buf[0], &buf[entry.getlength()]); multiline_sz.push_back(l'\0'); } multiline_sz.push_back(l'\0');
this works, wonder if there more elegant or faster way using stl.
zero-terminated, it's valid do
for each ( cstring entry in mystringlist ) { tchar const* buf = entry.getbuffer(); multiline_sz.insert(multiline_sz.end(), &buf[0], &buf[entry.getlength()+1]); }
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