php - errors: [1] 0: {message: "Undefined offset: 1} -
i receiving php error errors: [1] 0: { message: "undefined offset: 1 (error number: 8), (file: /users/akashpatel/documents/ios development/rideshare/rideshareapi/src/frapi/library/frapi/controller/api.php @ line 299)" name: "php notice error" at: "" }
below code.
if (isset($_server['http_login'])) { list($userid, $apikey) = explode(':', base64_decode($_server['http_login'])); $this->setuserid($userid); $this->setapikey($apikey); //check against db $sql = "select * user id=:userid , apikey=:apikey"; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindparam(':userid', $this->getuserid()); $stmt->bindparam(':apikey', $this->getapikey()); try { $stmt->execute(); $user = $stmt->fetchobject(); } catch(pdoexception $err) { echo $err->getmessage(); } if ($user == null) throw new frapi_error('status_forbidden'); } else { $this->username = false; $this->apikey = false; throw new frapi_error( frapi_error::error_invalid_action_request_name, frapi_error::error_invalid_action_request_msg, frapi_error::error_invalid_action_request_no, frapi_error::error_invalid_action_request_http_msg ); }
thanks in advance.
edit : sorry everyone. passed incorrect values. use correct one, getting error error_invalid_action_request
. may because goes else. not getting can reason. edited code.
this means string did not explode
2 parts , resulting array not have offset 1
. should not list()
-assign variables unless 2000% sure have many indexes in array you're assigning. in case it's out of control, better check first.
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