concatenation - Concatenate variable in a query - SQL Server 2008 -
my question basic.
i creating stored procedure , have following variable:
during execution of procedure, several conditions concatenated in variable inserted after where:
select id table1 indstatus = 'true' , (description '%' + @ string + '%')
my intention like:
select id table1 indstatus = 'true' , (description '%' + @ string + '%') + @ concatenarclausulawhere
but, not possible. why?
i using sql server 2008
you need dynamic sql append where
clause query. select
statement not string. need wary of sql injection here. how validating users entering clause parameter?
declare @sql nvarchar(max) = n'select id dbo.table1 indstatus = ''true'' , (description @string)' + @concatenarclausulawhere; exec sp_executesql @sql, n'@string nvarchar(max)', n'%' + @string + '%';
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