vb.net - Random Numbers to Text in Label -

public class mainform  private sub exitbutton_click(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles exitbutton.click     me.close() end sub  private sub gueststextbox_keypress(byval sender object, byval e system.windows.forms.keypresseventargs) handles gueststextbox.keypress     ' allows numbers , backspace key      if (e.keychar < "0" orelse e.keychar > "9") andalso         e.keychar <> controlchars.back         e.handled = true     end if end sub  private sub mainform_load(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles mybase.load     'fills list box , selects first item      typelistbox.items.add("kid's birthday")     typelistbox.items.add("21st birthday")     typelistbox.items.add("40th birthday")     typelistbox.items.add("other birthday")     typelistbox.selectedindex = 0 end sub  private sub calcbutton_click(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles calcbutton.click     'displays total charge      dim guests integer     dim typeindex integer     dim guestprice integer     dim totalcharge integer      integer.tryparse(gueststextbox.text, guests)     typeindex = typelistbox.selectedindex      'determine price per guest     select case typeindex         case 0 'kid's birthday             guestprice = 11         case 1 '21st birthday             guestprice = 20         case 2 '40th birthday             guestprice = 25         case else 'other birthdays             guestprice = 15     end select      'calculate , display total charge     totalcharge = guests * guestprice     totallabel.text = totalcharge.tostring("c0") end sub  private sub testdatabutton_click(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles testdatabutton.click     dim guests integer     dim typeindex integer     dim guestprice integer     dim totalcharge integer     dim randomgen new random     dim setcounter integer = 1      testdatalabel.text = string.empty              guests = randomgen.next(1, 51)         typeindex = randomgen.next(0, 4)          each object in typelistbox.selecteditems             testdatalabel.text += i.tostring() & controlchars.newline         next          'determine price per guest         select case typelistbox.selectedindex             case 0                 guestprice = 11             case 1                 guestprice = 20             case 2                 guestprice = 25             case else                 guestprice = 15         end select          'calculate , display total charge         totalcharge = guests * guestprice         testdatalabel.text = testdatalabel.text &             typeindex.tostring & "    " &             guests.tostring & "    " &             totalcharge.tostring("c0") &             controlchars.newline         setcounter += 1       loop until setcounter > 10  end sub  private sub typelistbox_selectedindexchanged(sender system.object, e system.eventargs) handles typelistbox.selectedindexchanged  end sub end class 

when click on button named "generate test data" generates list of random numbers in label. want these numbers type of birthday instead of number.

0 being "kid's birthday"

1 being "21st birthday"

2 being "40th birthday"

and 3 being "other birthday"

how go doing this?

any appreciated!

if understood question correctly, can declare enum , have dictionary of enum string.

the enum takes care of dealing numbers in code, , rather use human readable constructs. dictionary make sure users see human readable constructs.

please see below code (needs brand new winforms project , listbox called listbox1 on main form):

option strict on  public class form1   'declare enum avoid dealing naked numbers in code   enum birthdaytypes     btkids = 0     bt21st = 1     bt40th = 2     btother = 3   end enum    private sub form1_load(sender system.object, e system.eventargs) _                                                      handles mybase.load     'suppose input value number,     'but don't want deal numbers     dim typeindex integer = 2      'you can convert number birthdaytypes,     'making input "correct"     dim typeindexbt birthdaytypes = convertbirthdayindextotype(typeindex)      'calculation of guest price "human readable"     dim guestprice integer = calculateguestprice(typeindexbt)      'you can create dictionary diplaying values     dim displaydictionary new dictionary(of birthdaytypes, string)     displaydictionary       .add(birthdaytypes.btkids, "kid's birthday")       .add(birthdaytypes.bt21st, "21st birthday")       .add(birthdaytypes.bt40th, "40th birthday")       .add(birthdaytypes.btother, "other birthday")     end      'here how values listbox     listbox1       .datasource = displaydictionary.tolist       .valuemember = "key"       .displaymember = "value"     end      'now listbox displays strings,      'but selectedvalue return object of type birthdaytypes      'you can extract random values above dictionary index,     'and create new list      debug.writeline(listbox1.selectedvalue) 'outputs btkids   end sub    private function calculateguestprice(bt birthdaytypes) integer     select case bt       case birthdaytypes.btkids : return 11       case birthdaytypes.bt21st : return 20       case birthdaytypes.bt40th : return 25       case birthdaytypes.btother : return 15     end select     'should never here     throw new exception("unknown birthday type")   end function    private function convertbirthdayindextotype(index integer) birthdaytypes     if index < 3 return ctype(index, birthdaytypes)     return birthdaytypes.btother   end function end class 

disclaimer: code demo of can done, not meant used complete solution.


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