How to convert an Android esri arcGIS Point into latitude and longitude -

i'm trying latitude , longitude of tap on android esri arcgis mapview.

        map.setonsingletaplistener(new onsingletaplistener() {              private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;              public void onsingletap(float x, float y) {                 system.out.println("x:" + x);                 system.out.println("y:" + y);                 // how latitude longitude coordinates of point (x,y)?              }         }); 

how latitude longitude coordinates of point (x,y)?

the easiest way is:

point p=map.tomappoint(arg0, arg1); system.out.println("x="+p.getx()); system.out.println("y="+p.gety()); 

the variable p have coordinates mapped in mapview.


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