stringtokenizer - Convert time value to format “hh:mm Am/Pm” using Android -
i getting date value database "2013-02-27 06:06:30" using stringtokenizer time separately below
string starttime = "2013-02-27 06:06:30"; stringtokenizer token = new stringtokenizer(starttime); string date1 = token.nexttoken(); string time1 = token.nexttoken();
and in time1 getting result 06:06:30,
can re-store in variable of type string follows?
string displayvalue = "06:06 am";
and if time1 variable has value of
string time = 16:00:00;
then should converted to:
string displayvalue = "04:00 pm";
try this..
date dt = new date(date1); simpledateformat sdf = new simpledateformat("hh:mm aa"); string time1 = sdf.format(dt);
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