c++ - Where to put main and what to write there? -
i have following code in file tested.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class tested { private: int x; public: tested(int x_inp) { x = x_inp; } int getvalue() { return x; } };
i have file (called testing.cpp
#include <cppunit/extensions/helpermacros.h> #include "tested.cpp" class testtested : public cppunit::testfixture { cppunit_test_suite(testtested); cppunit_test(check_value); cppunit_test_suite_end(); public: void check_value(); }; cppunit_test_suite_registration(testtested); void testtested::check_value() { tested t(3); int expected_val = t.getvalue(); cppunit_assert_equal(7, expected_val); }
when try compile testing.cpp
file get: undefined reference to
main'`. well, because not have main (the entry point program). so, compiler not know how start execution of code.
but not clear me how execute code in testing.cpp
. tried add:
int main() { testtested t(); return 1; }
however, not print (and expected return error message since 3 not equal 7).
does know correct way run unit test?
since writing cppunit test, why not looking @ cppunit doc ? (http://cppunit.sourceforge.net/doc/lastest/cppunit_cookbook.html)
it tells main sould written :
#include <cppunit/ui/text/testrunner.h> #include "exampletestcase.h" #include "complexnumbertest.h" int main( int argc, char **argv) { cppunit::textui::testrunner runner; runner.addtest( exampletestcase::suite() ); runner.addtest( complexnumbertest::suite() ); runner.run(); return 0; }
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