mocha - How to do function tests for TWITTER API -
i creating web app project. want allow users post there blogs onto twitter using twitter api. generate blog inside website , if share blog via twitter. no testing if twitter api works, more if works inside of website, in if syntax appropriate, , if how incorporating correct. class project.
assuming using c# /, writing class make api calls can tested independently. suggest downloading open source twitterizer dll , plugging web project, oauth implementation.
so, if posting tweet, write static method follows:
public static bool createtweet(twitterizer.oauthtokens tokens, string tweettext) { var response = twitterizer.twitterstatus.update(tokens, text); return response.result == twitterizer.requestresult.success; }
and test code this:
void test() { var tokens = new tw.oauthtokens { _accesstoken, _accesstokensecret, _consumerkey, _consumersecret, }; var testtweet = "test tweet text"; createtweet(tokens, testtweet); }
you need obtain tokens either via twitter's login process or have them stored if don't expect users log in.
and test code above moved appropriate piece of code-behind in application , should work!
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