ios - Remove an item from a UICollectionView -
i have set of images showing in uicollectionview
. when user taps on image, spawns uiactionsheet
few options image. 1 of them id removing photo uicollectionview
. when user selects remove button in uiactionsheet
, pops alert view asking confirmation. if user selects yes, should remove photo.
my problem is, remove item uicollectionview
, have pass indexpath
event. since final confirmation granted in alert view's diddismisswithbuttonindex
event, can't figure out way indexpath
of selected image there pass deleteitemsatindexpaths
event. how can this?
here's code:
- (void)actionsheet:(uiactionsheet *)actionsheet clickedbuttonatindex:(nsinteger)buttonindex { switch (buttonindex) { case 0: deletephotoconfirmalert = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"remove photo" message:@"do want remove photo?" delegate:self cancelbuttontitle:@"cancel" otherbuttontitles:nil, nil]; [deletephotoconfirmalert addbuttonwithtitle:@"yes"]; [deletephotoconfirmalert show]; break; case 1: nslog(@"to edit photo"); break; } } - (void)alertview:(uialertview *)alertview diddismisswithbuttonindex:(nsinteger)buttonindex { if (alertview == deletephotoconfirmalert) { if (buttonindex == 1) { // permission delete button granted here. // here deleteitemsatindexpaths event should called indexpath } } } - (void)deleteitemsatindexpaths:(nsarray *)indexpaths { }
why not make use of [self.collectionview indexpathsforselecteditems]; . have done deleting multiple images @ time.
- (void)alertview:(uialertview *)alertview diddismisswithbuttonindex:(nsinteger)buttonindex { if (alertview == deletephotoconfirmalert) { if (buttonindex == 1) { // permission delete button granted here. nsarray *selecteditemsindexpaths = [self.collectionview indexpathsforselecteditems]; // delete items data source. [self deleteitemsfromdatasourceatindexpaths:selecteditemsindexpaths]; // delete items collection view. [self.collectionview deleteitemsatindexpaths:selecteditemsindexpaths]; } } } // method deleting selected images data source array -(void)deleteitemsfromdatasourceatindexpaths:(nsarray *)itempaths { nsmutableindexset *indexset = [nsmutableindexset indexset]; (nsindexpath *itempath in itempaths) { [indexset addindex:itempath.row]; } [self.images removeobjectsatindexes:indexset]; // self.images data source }
-(void)prepareforsegue:(uistoryboardsegue *)segue sender:(id)sender { nsarray *indexpaths = [self.collectionview indexpathsforselecteditems]; detailviewcontroller *dest = [segue destinationviewcontroller]; dest.imagename = [self.images objectatindex:[[indexpaths objectatindex:0] row]]; }
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