Cygwin and Apache Pig - a perplexing pseudo-grunt> -

i'm trying working installation of apache pig on windows pc running vista operating system, in order use learning tool; don't intend serious data processing pig on machine. single node, single jvm -x local setup want.

i come windows background, unix big learning curve me, following advice in online apache pig documentation getting started, have installed cygwin , seems working fine. included perl package in cygwin download , installation, advised in getting started, , seems working fine - /bin directory contains perl.exe , can access perl documentation.

i downloaded pig-0.11.1, unpacked tar -xzvf pig-0.11.1.tar.gz , spent few (mostly enjoyable) days using errors got when trying pig -x local study bash reference manual , go through pig shell script, think pretty understand. having adjusted calls cygwin utility cygpath in script, pig.jar found , arguments passed java.exe remain converted cygpath form java.exe can understand, grunt prompt. whoops of joy have been short-lived.

in fact, same grunt prompt pig-0.7.0 downloaded, installed , used out-of-the-box, pig -x local, release_notes.txt describes, without tampering pig shell script @ all. unfortunately same grunt prompt pig-0.11.1: curious, pseudo-grunt prompt arrow keys can move cursor on prompt, in fact around screen, on previous commands given @ dollar prompt even, , return key (preceded ;) nothing jump cursor new line. text can written not entered, , ^c , ^\ seem work - mercifully returning bash dollar prompt , little sanity.

  • from pig-0.7.0 directory, typing bin/pig -help gives proper readout:

    apache pig version 0.7.0 (r941408)<br /> compiled may 05 2010, 11:15:55<br /> usage: pig [options] [-] : run interactively in grunt shell.</br >    pig [options] -e[xecute] cmd [cmd ...] : run cmd(s).<br /> pig [options] [-f[ile]] file : run cmds found in file. options include: ... *etc etc*<br /> 
  • from pig-0.7.0 directory, typing bin/pig -x local results in following response:

    13/04/18 10:37:51 info pig.main: logging error messages to: c:\cygwin\home\richard\pig_installation\pig-0.7.0\pig_1366277871311.log<br /> 2013-04-18 10:37:51,540 [main] info  org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.hexecutionengine - connecting hadoop file system at: file:///<br /> 
  • from directory, since have set path pig-0.11.1/bin directory, typing pig -x local results in following response:

    which: no hadoop in (usr/local/bin:/cygdrive/c/program files ... *etc etc* .. )<br /> 2013-04-18 10:48:59,946 [main] info  org.apache.pig.main - apache pig version 0.11.1 (r1459641) compiled mar 22 2013, 02:13:53<br /> 2013-04-18 10:48:59,946 [main] info  org.apache.pig.main - logging error messages to: c:\cygwin\home\richard\pig_installation\pig-0.7.0\pig_1366278539943.log<br /> 2013-04-18 10:48:59,965 [main] info  org.apache.pig.impl.util.utils - default bootup file c:\users\richard/.pigbootup not found<br /> 2013-04-18 10:49:01,404 [main] info  org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.hexecutionengine - connecting hadoop file system at: file:///<br /> 

is fatal error or missing trick? pig shell script in pig-0.11.1 seems imply if hadoop not found, pig.jar or pig-?.!(*withouthadoop).jar (e.g. pig-0.11.1.jar) instead, , documentation tells me pig on windows cygwin supported (for -x local not -x mapreduce). pseudo-grunt> prompt complete mirage, or indicate partial success?

  • postscript above: i've followed section pig tutorial in apache's pig documentation getting started, set environment variables, edited pig-0.7.0/tutorial/build.xml file per instructions, run ant command, created pigtutorial.tar.gz file, moved it, unzipped it, found pig script 1 , run pig -x local script1-local.pig , works! output file - part-r-00000 - contains no warnings @ all, 5 columns of records, expected. new attempt interactive mode, however, pig -x local, results in same pseudo-grunt> prompt.


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