vi - How to stop Vim from creating/opening a new file? -
vim creates new files when give name of non existing file. undesirable me, give wrong file name , have no intention open file, , close it.
is there way stop vim opening new files? example, when vi file1
, should file doesn't exist
, stay on bash
terminal (without opening vi
you add function .bashrc (or equivalent). checks command-line arguments exist before invokes vim. if want create new file can pass --new
override checks.
vim() { local args=("$@") local new=0 # check `--new'. ((i = 0; < ${#args[@]}; ++i)); if [[ ${args[$i]} = --new ]]; new=1 unset args[$i] # don't pass `--new' vim. fi done if ! (( new )); file in "${args[@]}"; [[ $file = -* ]] && continue # ignore options. if ! [[ -e $file ]]; printf '%s: cannot access %s: no such file or directory\n' "$funcname" "$file" >&2 return 1 fi done fi # use `command' invoke vim binary rather function. command "$funcname" "${args[@]}" }
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