mapkit - Multiple pin drop on map in iphone aap -

i doing code multiple pin drop on mapview.

- (void)geocode {     nsarray *arrcityname = [nsarray arraywithobjects:@"baroda", @"surat", @"ahmedabad", @"rajkot", @"junagadh", @"mumbai", @"mehsana", @"veraval", @"surendranagar", @"gondal", nil];      cllocationcoordinate2d coordinate;     mkcoordinateregion region;     displaymap *ann = [[displaymap alloc] init];      [_mapview setmaptype:mkmaptypestandard];     [_mapview setzoomenabled:yes];     [_mapview setscrollenabled:yes];     [_mapview setdelegate:self];      (int = 0; < [arrcityname count]; i++)     {         coordinate = [self geocodeusingaddress:[arrcityname objectatindex:i]];          nslog(@"lat: %f --- long: %f --- city:--> %@",coordinate.latitude,coordinate.longitude,[arrcityname objectatindex:i]); = latitude; = longitude;         region.span.longitudedelta = 1.8;         region.span.latitudedelta = 1.8;          [_mapview setregion:region animated:yes];          ann.title = [arrcityname objectatindex:i];         ann.coordinate =;         [_mapview addannotation:ann];     } }  - (cllocationcoordinate2d) geocodeusingaddress:(nsstring *)address {     latitude = 0, longitude = 0;     nsstring *esc_addr =  [address stringbyaddingpercentescapesusingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding];     nsstring *req = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"", esc_addr];     nsstring *result = [nsstring stringwithcontentsofurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:req] encoding:nsutf8stringencoding error:null];     if (result) {         nsscanner *scanner = [nsscanner scannerwithstring:result];         if ([scanner scanuptostring:@"\"lat\" :" intostring:nil] && [scanner scanstring:@"\"lat\" :" intostring:nil]) {             [scanner scandouble:&latitude];             if ([scanner scanuptostring:@"\"lng\" :" intostring:nil] && [scanner scanstring:@"\"lng\" :" intostring:nil]) {                 [scanner scandouble:&longitude];             }         }     }     cllocationcoordinate2d center;     center.latitude = latitude;     center.longitude = longitude;     return center; } 

here issue giving last pin drop. want multiple pin drop per array value.

i facing similar issue when tried add multiple pins. did : set global counter increase 1 on every annotation added i.e. on addannotaion. create function of loop :

coordinate = [self geocodeusingaddress:[arrcityname objectatindex:i]];      nslog(@"lat: %f --- long: %f --- city:--> %@",coordinate.latitude,coordinate.longitude,[arrcityname objectatindex:i]); = latitude; = longitude;     region.span.longitudedelta = 1.8;     region.span.latitudedelta = 1.8;      [_mapview setregion:region animated:yes];      ann.title = [arrcityname objectatindex:i];     ann.coordinate =;     [_mapview addannotation:ann]; 

and call function till count reaches arrcityname's count

- (mkannotationview *)mapview:(mkmapview *)mapview viewforannotation:(id <mkannotation>)annotation { static nsstring *identifier = @"carlocation"; if ([annotation iskindofclass:[mapviewannotation class]]) {        static nsstring *annotationidentifier = @"annotationidentifier";     mkpinannotationview *pinview = (mkpinannotationview *)[mapview dequeuereusableannotationviewwithidentifier:annotationidentifier];     if (!pinview)     {         pinview = [[[mkpinannotationview alloc] initwithannotation:annotation reuseidentifier:annotationidentifier] autorelease];         pinview.canshowcallout = yes;         pinview.animatesdrop = yes;     }     else     {         pinview.annotation = annotation;     }      uiimageview *leftcalloutview = [[uiimageview alloc]                                     initwithimage:((mapviewannotation *)annotation).imagepin];     pinview.leftcalloutaccessoryview = leftcalloutview;     pinview.image = leftcalloutview.image;     [leftcalloutview release];     [self performselector:@selector(intermediate) withobject:nil afterdelay:1.05];       return pinview;  } 


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