shooting intervals in cocos2d without CACurrentMediaTime() -
i have ship , want make shoot every 1 sec. here's did,
@property (nonatomic, assign) float lastdamagetime;
and in update method,
if (cacurrentmediatime - self.lastdamagetime > 1) { self.lastdamagetime = cacurrentmediatime; [self shoot]; }
but problem is, pause game right after ship shoot bullet, , 1 sec later, resume game, if statement pass check, , ship shoot bullet immediately. , that's not want.
so, can make sure ship fire bullets each sec weather pause game or not? should use cctimer instead?
thank in advance answer.
you try , schedule shoots ccrepeatforever
action, cocos2d deals pause you. it'd (assuming you're inside custom shipsprite
ccdelaytime *delay = [ccdelaytime actionwithduration:1.0]; cccallfunc *funcshoot = [cccallfunc actionwithtarget:self selector:@selector(shoot)]; ccrepeatforever *repeat = [ccrepeatforever actionwithaction:[ccsequence actionone:delay two:funcshoot]]; [self runaction:repeat];
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