Quartz Document and Wiki - Contradict on Cron Expression for Day of Month field -
here in wiki
under subheading "predefined scheduling definitions"
its mentioned "day of week (0 - 7) (0 or 7 sunday, or use names)"
its referring 0 or 7 sunday
and under subheading "cron expression"
its referring "the last friday" ("5l") of given month. in day-of-month field,
but quartz documentation
here http://quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.1.x/tutorials/crontrigger
contradicts things saying
"day of week 1-7 or sun-sat" (its not 0-7 mentioned in wiki)
and in special characters subheading
its referring "6l" means "the last friday of month" (in wiki 5l)
so question is
- which 1 correct ?
- are both of these correct in own context ? (meaning quartz quartz , in wiki unix based os)
yes both correct. wikipedia article refers cron implemented in unix , derivatives.
the quartz scheduler has it's own "cron like" implementation not compatible.
i use day of week names in expression avoid confusion.
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