Offset/change all row numbers in formulas in selected cells using macro in excel -
i have large number of helper rows taking information different sheet using simple sum
is there macro out there allow me change/offset row numbers in number of selected cells equal amount (i.e. 221) formula such as:
the amount need change various row numbers varies, macro need have dialogue box allowing user choose how user wants increase or decrease row numbers.
this code give create dummy sheet copy formulas over, liked question!
sub test() dim nbr long, cel range, cels range, sh worksheet set cels = selection nbr = clng(inputbox("enter offset:")) set sh = worksheets.add each cel in cels if cel.hasformula sh.cells(cel.row + nbr, cel.column).formular1c1 = cel.formular1c1 cel.formula = sh.cells(cel.row + nbr, cel.column).formula end if next application.displayalerts = false sh.delete application.displayalerts = true end sub
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