apache - VirtualHosts not working? -

i can't seem virtualhosts working... think i'm clueless i'm doing.


namevirtualhost *  <virtualhost *>     servername localhost     documentroot "/applications/mamp/bin/mamp"     <directory "/applications/mamp/bin/mamp">         options indexes followsymlinks includes execcgi         allowoverride none         order allow,deny         allow     </directory> </virtualhost>  # rev.dev <virtualhost *>     servername revcms.dev     documentroot "/users/manuel/sites/rev"     <directory "/users/manuel/sites/rev">         options indexes followsymlinks includes execcgi         allowoverride none         order allow,deny         allow     </directory> </virtualhost> 


## # host database  # # localhost used configure loopback interface # when system booting.  not change entry. ## broadcasthost ::1             localhost  fe80::1%lo0 localhost rev.dev 

i have absolutely no idea i'm doing wrong, http://rev.dev acts same help?

run httpd -s (note capital s) command line , debug there.

for starters, /etc/hosts file says server name rev.dev, virtual host says server revcms.dev.

change virtual host file rev.dev , restart apache.


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