visual studio 2012 - Cannot run VSTest.Console.exe from a Windows or non interactive service for a Windows Phone Project -

i installed visual studio 2012 update 2 , run set of windows phone tests command line

i tried jenkins (using vstest plug in) , received following message apparently has sandboxing..

starting test execution, please wait... error: not start test run unit tests windows phone app: unit tests windows store apps cannot run service or non interactive process. please run unit tests interactive process..

any ideas...

there's commandline utility vstest.console.exe that's able run 3rdparty unit tests, if has right adapter(s). have use /usevsixextensions option vstest.console.exe. additonally, enable code coverage analysis supply /enablecodecoverage option.

 "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 11.0  \common7\ide\commonextensions\microsoft\testwindow\vstest.console.exe"  /usevsixextensions:true /enablecodecoverage "c:\users\arve\documents\visual studio  2012\projects\myapp\myapp.tests\bin\debug\myapp.tests.dll" 

the above command produces a file suffix .coverage beneath directory 'testresults'.


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