c++ - Process ID function getting error "ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES" -
im trying id process using function below, getlasterror keeps returning error_no_more_files never gets chance iterate through processes. im not sure whats causing this. ideas? test passing in param "notepad.exe"
int getprocid(string procname){ processentry32 pe32; handle procsnapshot = createtoolhelp32snapshot(th32cs_snapprocess,0); pe32.dwsize = sizeof(processentry32); if(!process32first(procsnapshot,&pe32)) return 0; else if(pe32.szexefile == procname) return pe32.th32processid; else { while(getlasterror() != error_no_more_files){ process32next(procsnapshot,&pe32); if(pe32.szexefile == procname) return pe32.th32processid; } return 0; } }
your while
loop wrong. shouldn't checking error value before calling process32next
function. function return without doing if prior call windows api function (probably process32next
function) returned error_no_more_files
, , name of first process in snapshot happens other name want search for.
keep in mind not api functions set error code error_success
have succeeded (and don't forget close snapshot handle after you're done it).
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