linux - Library error when building a make file for a CUDA program -
i trying build makefile in linux. code goes makefile follows:
nvcc = /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc cudapath = /usr/local/cuda nvccflags = -i$(cudapath)/include lflags = -l$(cudapath)/lib64 -lcuda -lcudart -lm vectoradd: $(nvcc) $(nvccflags) $(lflags) -o vectoradd
so when type "make"
i following error:
how rid of , build make file?
since you're using nvcc don't need lflags , nvccflags definitions. nvcc knows how find automatically.
but if want fix it, rid of space @ end of cuda path definition:
cudapath = /usr/local/cuda ^ there space here, delete
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