PowerShell: Script Module variables not available outside of ISE -
i have been working on updating of scripts have written. still learning powershell go on old ones , see if can improve things. stumbled upon modules , idea of using them store different actions can called on @ anytime. i wrote simple script test (or thought). should mention storing modules on server share. write-host "testing available variables" write-host "loading modules" import-module <path module on server share>.psm1 write-host "" write-host "done" write-host "print loaded modules" get-module write-host "" write-host "done" write-host "=================" write-host "" write-host "printing variables" write-host "" write-host "variable: arch: " $arch write-host "variable: wownode: " $wownode write-host "" write-host "done" my module contained if ( "${env:programfiles(x86)}" -ne "" ) { $scrip...