try to implode string using php and redis -
this php file:-
<?php require "predis-0.8/autoload.php"; predis\autoloader::register(); try { $redis = new predis\client(); }catch (exception $e) { }; $redis->del("aaa"); for($i=1;$i<=10;$i++) { $randno=rand('1','5'); $ec = $redis->set("arr",$randno); $str = $redis->get("arr").","; echo ($str); } $comma = implode(",", $str); echo ($comma); ?>
i using redis php.
try implode strint.
not work.
return me error. warning: implode(): invalid arguments passed
idea why fetch warning.
in advance.
you looking function explode
not implode
implode takes array , concatenates elements given string in between.
explode takes string , splits array @ places find given string removing string.
$arr = array( 'foo', 'bar'); $imp = implode(',', $arr); # $imp == 'foo,bar' $exp = explode(',', $imp); # $exp == array('foo', 'bar')
after further reading of code. guess try store array within redis. achieve (and more complex data structures) need convert data string. easiest way achieve serialize
, unserialize
$data; # contains data , either array or objects or int or ... $redis->set('foo', serialize($data)); $other_data = unserialize($redis->get('foo')); # $other_data == $data
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