The encoding that Notepad++ just calls "ANSI", does anyone know what to call it for Ruby? -
i have bunch of .txt's notepad++ says (in drop-down "encoding" menu) "ansi".
they have german characters in them, [äöüß], display fine in notepad++.
but don't show right in irb when 'this german text example.txt'
so know argument should give encoding.default_external=
(i'm assuming that'd solution, right?)
when 'utf-8'
or 'cp850'
, reads "ansi" file "äöüß" in "\xe4\xf6\xfc\xdf"...
(please don't hesitate mention apparently "obvious" things in answers; i'm pretty newbish can , still know enough ask question.)
what mean iso/iec 8859-1 (aka latin-1), iso-8859-1, iso/iec 8859-15 (aka latin-9) or windows-1252 (aka cp 1252). 4 of them have ä
@ position 0xe4
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