On Sencha Touch 2.2.0 it is not possible to enable the default browser scroll -
the new sencha touch 2.2.0 has new configuration parameter on scrollable don't use ext.scroll.scroller, not working.
i using activate overflow scroll on container:
{ scrollable: null, style: 'overflow:auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;' }
how can use native scroll ?
why need it? because need use galaxy-tab-1 new ext.scroll.scroller faster 2.1.1 version render on tablet slow , new ext.scroll.scroller trying render 40 fps , tablet displaying slowly.
actually setfps() not working in version, example:
the new ext.util.translatable has preferredtranslationmethod default.
you can use:
scrollable: { direction: 'both', translatable: { translationmethod: 'scrollposition' } },
scrollable: { direction: 'both', translatable: { translationmethod: 'csstransform' } },
scrollable: { direction: 'both', translatable: { translationmethod: 'cssposition' } },
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