python - Testing for non-integers (decimals and strings) -
hi i'm having trouble testing non-integers in sript. i'm trying write function returns true if sudoku valid , false if not. 2 rule sudoku: 1) each column of square contains each of whole numbers 1 n once. 2) each row of square contains each of whole numbers 1 n once. problem i'm having functions "incorrect4" , "incorrect5". incorrect4 showing true though it's not integer/whole number , incorrect5 display error message: unsupported operand type(s) +: 'int' , 'str'. i've tried multiple ways of testing integers value of "1.5" in incorrect4 still shows true. additionally i've looked solution unsupported operand type error unable fix it. know there other, more efficient ways solve issue appreciated!
correct = [[1,2,3], [2,3,1], [3,1,2]] incorrect4 = [['a','b','c'], ['b','c','a'], ['c','a','b']] incorrect5 = [ [1, 1.5], [1.5, 1]] def check_sudoku(square): = 0 result = [sum(l) l in square] sum_list = [] all(type(item)==int item in square) return true col in range(len(square[0])): sum_list.append(sum(row[col] row in square)) if sum_list == result: return true return false row in range(len(square)): if sum(square[a]) == sum(square[a+1]): += 1 return true return false print check_sudoku(correct) print check_sudoku(incorrect4) print check_sudoku(incorrect5)
since sudoku puzzles must have integers between 1-9, don't want other crazy integers -4294967296 passing through. ergo, think check appropriate:
d = 3 # edge-size of sudoku all(n in range(1, d**2) row in sudoku_puzzle n in row)
where sudoku_puzzle
can list of lists, might consider using numpy arrays instead.
you still need check make sure dimensions of sudoku_puzzle
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