objective c - when adding a relationship object w/ core data get "property cannot be found in forward class object" error -

i have core data model 4 entities. entity player has to-many relationship other entities (player_scores,custom_exercise,selected_exercise).

in app delegate, make nsmanagedobjectcontext,nsmanagedobjectmodel,nspersistentstorecoordinator properties in standard way. then, in different view controller, declare ivars nsmanagedobjectcontext object , newplayer player entity in @interface:

@interface newprofileviewcontroller() {     nsmanagedobjectcontext *context;     player *newplayer; } 

then in action have following code create player entity , enter in attributes, player_scores entity , selected_exercise entity. code use adds attributes player_scores , player entities. when try add 16 selected_exercise entities in loop , set attributes big fat "property cannot found on forward class object?" error. help!!!!! said code same selected_exercise , player_scores. tried re-starting, deleting database, etc. it's compiler error pops when try newex.exercise=@"blahblahblah"; or newex.suit=@"blahblahblah"; ugh

below code method:

     //1. save person database         newplayer=[nsentitydescription                            insertnewobjectforentityforname:@"player"                            inmanagedobjectcontext:context];          newplayer.name=newentry;         //nserror *error; [context save:&error];          //2. begin making score card:         player_scores *newscorecard = [nsentitydescription                                insertnewobjectforentityforname:@"player_scores"                                inmanagedobjectcontext:context];          newscorecard.date_of_game = [nsdate date];         newscorecard.player=newplayer; //attach score card new playe         [newplayer addscoresobject:newscorecard];//add score card newplayer         //3.  make selected_exercise          nsstring *plistcatpath = [[nsbundle mainbundle] pathforresource:@"listofexercises" oftype:@"plist"]; //grab plist         nsmutablearray* thedictarray= [[nsmutablearray arraywithcontentsoffile:plistcatpath] copy];          for(int cnt=0;cnt<[thedictarray count];cnt++){              selected_exercise *newex= [nsentitydescription                                        insertnewobjectforentityforname:@"selected_exercise"                                        inmanagedobjectcontext:context];             newex.exercise=[[thedictarray objectatindex:cnt]valueforkey:@"exercise"];             newex.suit=[[thedictarray objectatindex:cnt]valueforkey:@"suit"];             [newplayer addselected_exerciseobject:newex];             nslog(@"added exercise %@ suit %@ @ array index %d",[[thedictarray objectatindex:cnt]valueforkey:@"exercise"],[[thedictarray objectatindex:cnt]valueforkey:@"suit"],cnt);         }     // save     nserror *error = nil;     if ([context save:&error]) {         nslog(@"the save successful!");     } else {         nslog(@"the save wasn't successful: %@", [error userinfo]);     } 

that sounds if imported "player.h", not "selected_exercise.h" in file.

"player.h" contains forward declaration @class selected_exercise, compiler not complain on

selected_exercise *newex = [nsentitydescription ... 

but if "selected_exercise.h" not imported, properties of class, such newex.exercise, unknown compiler.


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