delphi - Access Violation in NTDLL using IXMLDocument -
i continually access violation @ read of address 0xfeeefeee debugger stops on ntdll.ntraiseexception, can not debug further loop condition telling me app has faulted @ ... use step or run... , takes me beginning. happens in ide (delphi xe2) 32 bit. application using following bits of code
var xmldoc: ixmldocument; begin if fod.execute //file open dialog begin try try xmldoc := newxmldocument(); //txmldocument.create(nil); result := fod.filename; xmldoc.filename := xmlfilename; := true;
when file opens call functions loaded xml data binding wizard (file new other xml) parse xml file opened in proc above. intent create csv file , use sqlldr export data oracle database. outside of ide works find, , can leave application running showing data in sring grid overnight in ide crashes within minutes. call stack shows me nothing usefull. can see have tried txmdocument.create, newxml no avail. have tried putting object on form , using instance no avail. please have ideas. (windows 7 64 bit, complining 32 bit due oracle depenancies)
edit, call stack debug dcus switched on shows nothing of use references ole32.dll , other nt related dlls
the code app shown below (some of it)
function txmlform.openfile: string; var xmldoc: ixmldocument; begin if fod.execute begin try try xmldoc := newxmldocument(); //txmldocument.create(nil); result := fod.filename; xmldoc.filename := xmlfilename; := true; sb1.panels[1].text := fod.filename; // xmldoc := nil; end; except on e: exception showmessage('excpetion in opening or creating xml document. ' + e.message); end; end else result := ''; end;
the openfile called type of procedure
procedure txmlform.standardprofile1click(sender: tobject); var stand: standard.ixmlprofiledata; i, x: integer; begin xmlfilename := openfile; if xmlfilename <> '' begin stand := standard.loadprofiledata(xmlfilename); sg1.rowcount := stand.count; sg1.colcount := stand.device[stand.count - 1].count + 7; // sg1.colcount := 55; sg1.cells[0, 0] := 'serialno'; sg1.cells[1, 0] := 'mfgserialno'; sg1.cells[2, 0] := 'supplytype'; sg1.cells[3, 0] := 'servicepointno'; sg1.cells[4, 0] := 'parametercode'; sg1.cells[5, 0] := 'intervalperiod'; sg1.cells[6, 0] := 'starttime'; // x := 0 47 // sg1.cells[7 + x, 0] := 'interval' + inttostr(x); x := 0 stand.device[stand.count - 1].count - 1 sg1.cells[7 + x, 0] := 'interval' + inttostr(x); := 0 stand.count - 1 begin sg1.cells[0, + 1] := stand.device[i].serialno; sg1.cells[1, + 1] := stand.device[i].mfgserialno; sg1.cells[2, + 1] := stand.device[i].supplytype; sg1.cells[3, + 1] := stand.device[i].servicepointno; sg1.cells[4, + 1] := stand.device[i].parametercode; sg1.cells[5, + 1] := stand.device[i].intervalperiod; sg1.cells[6, + 1] := stand.device[i].starttime; // x := 0 47 x := 0 stand.device[stand.count - 1].count - 1 // 47 begin if stand.device[i].interval[x] = '' sg1.cells[7 + x, + 1] := 'true' else sg1.cells[7 + x, + 1] := stand.device[i].interval[x]; end; end; end; end;
as stated before have tried using txmdocument, ixmldocument , using create , newxmdocument still gives errors. debug dcus' makes no difference. have tired using fastmm4 in project header , madexcept don't catch error.
you don't show code handling xmldoc; maybe you're freeing it?
"when txmldocument created without owner, behaves interfaced object. is, when references interface released, txmldocument instance automatically freed. when txmldocument created owner, however, behaves other component, , freed owner." see delphi - txmldocument created @ run-time generates av, component on form working
also when done with, set xmldoc := nil;
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