android - Posting on facebook wall using Request -
all day i'm trying figure how post on facebook wall of own account using own program. followed tutorials on facebook developer pages, didn't helped. have request code:
bundle params = new bundle();params.putstring("app", ""); // list<string> permissions = new arraylist<string>(); // permissions.add("publish_actions"); // session.getactivesession().requestnewpublishpermissions(new newpermissionsrequest(getmainactivity(), permissions)); request request = new request( session.getactivesession(), "me/appnamespace:test", params, ); response response = request.executeandwait(); log.print("response: " + response.tostring());
all produce following error:
response: {response: responsecode: 200, graphobject: null, error: {httpstatus: -1, errorcode: -1, errortype: null, errormessage: null}, isfromcache:false}
this gives next none information of wrong. 200 error code seems have permissions.
i found on this page text:
{ "error": { "message": "(#200) requires extended permission: publish_actions", "type": "oauthexception", "code": 200 } }
you haven't authorized app publish timeline. click on ''get access token'' , click ''extended permissions'' tab. select publish_actions permission , run test again.
for reason can't add publish_actions extended permissions in graph api explorer, because there no option that! publish_streams. add that. error there:
{ "error": { "message": "(#10) application not have permission action", "type": "oauthexception", "code": 10 } }
in application permissions page on facebook have added publish_actions on user & friend permissions , publish_stream on extended permissions (i unable add publish_actions there).
in end, no matter can't message posted in facebook timeline unless use webdialog, isn't need.
i'm out of options on might wrong. ideas appreciated.
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